Recall of inflectional morphemes in Kannada speaking children


  • Abhishek B P AIISH, Mysore
  • Brajesh Priyadarshi AIISH, Mysore



The current study investigates the ability to recall inflectional morphemes in typically developing 30 Kannada language speaking children in the age range of 6-9 years. The task consisted of 7 stimulus sets. Each stimulus set comprised of seven words. The words were formed by adding 7 different inflectional markers. The task of the participants was to recall the words in any order they want (free recall). The mean scores obtained by the children of grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3, was computed and analyzed. The mean scores for children belonging to these grades were 22, 28 and 34 respectively. Further statistical analysis was carried out using Kruskal Wallis test, as the data did not abide by the properties of normal distribution and the X2 value obtained was 3.34 (p<0.05) showing that there was significant difference between the three grades.



How to Cite

B P, A. . ., & Priyadarshi, B. (2023). Recall of inflectional morphemes in Kannada speaking children. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development - JCLAD, 799–808.



Research Articles