Intonation patterns in Children with Learning Disability


  • H. N. Shilpashri JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing Mysore
  • Saraswathi JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing Mysore


Intonation is defined as the variation in pitch superimposed on the sentences. The aim of the present study was to understand intonation patterns used by children with Learning disability to express different types of Kannada sentences (Command, Happy, Request and Sad) in comparison with typically developing children. This study also evaluated sentence duration. The recorded sentences were analyzed for intonation contours and sentence duration using Praat software. The results of the study indicated change in the terminal F0 pattern across the different sentence types used by children with learning disability in comparison to language age matched typically developing children.



How to Cite

Shilpashri, H. N., & Saraswathi. (2021). Intonation patterns in Children with Learning Disability. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development - JCLAD, 284–287. Retrieved from



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