About the Journal
Journal Editor: Mehmet Ozcan editor@science-res.com
Focus and Scope ISSN: 2147-9747
Journal of Second and Multiple Language Acquisition-JSMULA publishes studies designed to test a part or the whole of second language acquisition/learning theories; those bringing forth new hypotheses related to the nature of second and multiple language acquisition and those which set bridges between language acquisition and other disciplines are given priority. Studies that take a descriptive approach to the nature of second language acquisition and development are also welcome.
Open access policy: JSMULA is an open-access journal which enables its readers to access all the articles right after they are published without logging in, registering, and without any charge.
FREQUENCY: JSMULA a quarterly journal which is published in March, June, September, and December.
INDEXED IN: Index Copernicus (2021) (ICV: 81.72), DOAJ, DRJI, ICI, InfoBase Index (4.0) Academindex
FEE: JSMULA charges NO FEE to the authors.
LANGUAGE: The publication language of JSMULA is English only. However, the manuscripts to be submitted to JSMULA may take any language as its research subject.
Review policy: The review method for the submissions to JSMULA is double-blind peer review. A manuscript submitted to JSMULA is read by the editor first and then, if the content of the manuscript is within the scope of the journal, it is sent to reviewers. Our experience since 2013 show that the avarage time of the completion of the review is about 3 months. Depending on the reviewers, this time may be a litle longer or shorter.
Tracking the review process/Status of my manuscript: Once you send your manuscript to the editor, you will be notified that your manuscript is received and will be provided with a tracking link where you can access the directory containing your manuscript and review reports. As soon as we receive a report for it, we will place it in the directory. If no report is placed in that directory, this means that there is no change in the status of your manuscript. Please send a message to editor@science-res.com if you have any questions. We will inform you within 24 hours.
Alert me: If you would like to be alerted for the new issues of JSMULA, please send an email to the editor, at editor@science-res.com stating that you want to receive email alerts.
Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Published articles contain the emails of the corresponding author, however, we will not include this email if the author wants it not to be made public.
1- JSMULA does not publish manuscripts containing gender, race, belief, and nationality discrimination. If published articles contain any implications or indirect references related to above-mentioned concepts, all kinds of responsibility is on the authors themselves. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that they undertake this responsibility.
2- JSMULA is highly sensitive to plagiarism and plagiarism is strongly prohibited. Authors who submit a manuscript to JSMULA for possible publication agree that their work is original and does not contain any type of plagiarism.
Withdrawal of the manuscript
Authors may withdraw the manuscript at any time prior to the completeion of the review process. If the review process is complete and the editorial decision dictates the publication of the manuscript, authors cannot withdraw the manuscript at this stage.
Authors are requested to transfer the full copyrights for the manuscript to be published to JSMULA.
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As the licence issued by Creative Commons below indicates, the articles published in JSMULA can be downloaded and used for personal purposes but they cannot be used for commercial purposes.

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Based on a work at https://science-res.com/index.php/jsmula.