The use of virtual exchanges to teach pragmatics and phonetics


  • Angela George University of Calgary


virtual exchanges, teaching linguistics, Spanish, pragmatics, phonetics


This article describes the use of a virtual exchange project to teach undergraduate students in two upper-level Spanish linguistics courses, one focused on pragmatics and the other on phonetics. The adoption of virtual exchanges to teach about linguistic concepts is unique since previous research focuses mainly on increased linguistic and intercultural skills. Previous research on the teaching and learning of pragmatics and phonetics offers suggestions and ideas that align with the project presented in the article. The pedagogical approach used in the current study aligns with Learning by Design, a project-based inquiry approach to learning. Students in both courses participated in two 30–45-minute virtual conversations with Spanish-speaking peers at two different universities. Following each conversation, students completed a written assignment designed not only to reflect on the conversation but also to review and apply linguistic concepts learned in each course. Open-ended responses from a survey completed by students were analyzed for themes. The findings indicate the comfort level with the language that the virtual format allowed, growth in the target language, and the ability to utilize and practice the concepts learned in the course in the conversations in the virtual -exchange assignments.



How to Cite

George, A. (2022). The use of virtual exchanges to teach pragmatics and phonetics. Journal of Second and Multiple Language Acquisition-JSMULA, 361–371. Retrieved from



Research Articles